Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Rub eyes and think of my soft pillow...

I'm at my office very late tonight installing Linux on some computers for one of my companies. It's the last thing I want to be doing right now. I think this photo says it all.

(PS... If you look closely, you can see today's Far Side calendar. It's a gooder.)

UPDATE #1 2:09 AM PST: I fucking hate computers. I'm going back to an abacus, paste-up, letraset, papyrus, stylus, cuckoo clocks, scissors... damn near anything that doesn't involve a keyboard, mouse, monitor and alternative OSs. Kill me now. I'm going home shortly and crawling into bed before I have to put in another day at the newspaper.

UPDATE #2 2:52 AM PST: One more kick at the can. If this fails, I'm out of here and a big F.U. to... well, anyone who conspired to keep me here this late!


Unknown said...

I feel like i'm looking at a picture of my life one year ago. I feel for you Sam. Your Update #1 got a big LOL. I think a fire and a stick makes a good enough communication device...or squished berries. Someone sure ruined a good thing with that damned printing press.

Unknown said...

(i can't see the Far Side toon. care to share it with us?)

Sam Kirk said...

It's sooo Valentine's...

There's a geeky male lamb at the door with some flowers and he's clearly without wool sporting the classic 'X' bandages of a bad shave. The mother sheep is holding the door open as her daughter lamb comes down the stairs. The mother is saying: "Oh, and here's Luanne now... Bobby just got sheared today, Luanne."

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Larson lives in a universe i want to visit.
(ummm, yeah)

Unknown said...

i'm slumping in my seat. my once-a-week blog check is a sad experience. no newness from satatlarge.

hey, you into 300 at midnight? i'm not too sure myself. "explicit violence". you know how it is.

Unknown said...

AGAIN!!! another week and i'm so forlorn!

2 words: Molly. Rosie.