Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What am I laughing about today

Somewhere in a rather hilarious series of emails that I had the (mis)fortune to read all at once at the end of today, my friend Abbey asked what I was laughing about.

I didn't know that I was laughing about anything, but I'm not one to second guess the Abbster! I must have been laughing about something! I just didn't know what. However, I put my rather large brain to the task and efforted to find the answer.

At first, I found one thing: I'm an idiot and I had spent most of the day at the newspaper demonstrating that fact.

Then I went upstairs for dinner and someone had the Westminster Dog Show on TV and then I found out what I was really laughing at! Dog People!!! They are HILARIOUS!!

I love dogs. I do. I think they can be fun and comforting and... fun... They can also be a pain in the ass for their high maintenance. Also, they can pee on you or because of you. Yes, Rosie, I'm talking about you! My friend Judith has two miniature wiener dogs. They are cute as all get out, but one of them, Rosie, has to pee whenever she sees me after an extended absence.

But, back to Dog People! Man, those show dogs are a scream. I saw this classic French Poodle that had the puffy fur coupled with the strategically shaved body. God, it was ugly. I'd never buy one. And I get a kick out of the way the handlers lead the dogs around. Prancing would actually be the word I'm looking for here. The handlers prance.

Abbey, THAT is what I'm laughing at today. That, and something to do with being goosed. I don't know how exactly you are goosing people, but I'm sure I'm not looking forward to getting crossed off your list of victims. Unless, it means I'm getting some inadvertent 'action' -- a welcome thing after many many months (years) of drought.

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